Why Homerun Leadership

In this bonus video clip, Dr. Dave Webb and Pastor Renee Patterson highlight the Why behind why you should read Homerun Leadership.

Why Read Homerun Leadership

Homerun Leadership Team Types

In this bonus video clip, insight to the 4 Homerun Leadership Team Types are highlighted by Dr. Dave Webb and Pastor Renee Patterson.

Homerun Leadership Team Types

Governance vs. Management and Consensus

In this bonus video clip, Dr. Dave Webb and Pastor Renee Patterson highlight Governance vs. Management decision-making and consensus.

Governance vs. Management and Consensus

Homerun School Improvement

In this bonus video clip, Oconto HS principal, Adam DeWill and Dr. Dave Webb highlight their success using the Homerun Leadership Improvement Framework.

Homerun School Improvement

Family Homerun Hitters

In this bonus video clip, Dr. Dave Webb’s daughter, Anna, surprised him by sharing that she has been hitting Homeruns at college.

Family Homerun Hitters!

Homerun Principal Problem Solving Partnership

In this video, Elementary Principal, Theresa Starkman shares the importance or running the bases well to reach great.

Homerun Principal Problem Solving Partnership

Homerun Family/School Collaborative Problem Solving

In this video, Elementary Principal, Theresa Starkman highlights the importance of collaborative Homerun problem solving with Families and School Leaders.

Homerun Family/School Collaborative Problem Solving

Homerun Principal Team Decision-Making

In this video, Middle School Principal, Leah Bourg shares a great base running story of how one leader can change decision-making results to benefit kids.

Homerun Principal Team Decision-Making

Homerun Principal and Superintendent Mentorship and Partnership

In this video, Middle School Principal, Leah Bourg shares how beneficial Homerun conversations are in mentorship conversations.

Homerun Principal and Superintendent Mentorship and Partnership

Homerun Principal Changes Daily Schedule

In this video, Principal Chuck Ochocki successfully combined multiple Homeruns into one Huge Grand Slam to change his daily schedule at his high school. Schedule changes are especially complex as you will hear in this clip.

Homerun Principal Changes Daily Schedule